Introduction to Algorithms: Chapter 2 — Getting Started

Last weekend I received Peter Reinhart’s The Bread Baker’s Apprentice in the mail from the library. I love baking bread, especially sourdough, but my recent baking endeavors have been a...

Introduction to Algorithms: Chapter 1 — The Role of Algorithms in Computing

During the summer after my sophomore year of college, I knew I wanted to find an internship. I finally landed one at .decimal in May 2012. While this was hugely...

Niagara, NYC, and Boston

It’s been a while since my last post, but these past few months have been busy ones. Finding out that we’re expecting in January has added nursery preparations and life...

A Minimalist Workspace

I recently read an article about creating a minimalist workspace, which got me thinking about how I could take steps to simplify my workspace. When I was not working...

GitHub Pages + Jekyll

My goal at the start of 2018 was to blog more consistently. My old blog setup consisted of a WordPress site hosted by DigitalOcean. This amounted to $5 per month...