Deviled Eggs

24 servings 20 min. (prep) + 20 min. (cook)

When my great-aunt was living, I would help her make deviled eggs every Easter for our family gathering (and sometimes for other holidays, too). These deviled eggs are still a staple at our family’s holiday gatherings. Even though they take some time, they’re fun to make and a crowd favorite.


  • 1 doz. eggs
  • 1/2 c. mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp. brown mustard
  • 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 3-6 tsp. relish
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • paprika


  1. Place 1 layer of eggs in a large pot.
  2. Fill pot with water until eggs are covered with 1 inch of water.
  3. Bring to boil; then immediately cover, remove from heat, and let stand for 13 minutes.
  4. Remove eggs with a slotted spoon, and place in ice bath to cool completely.
  5. Peel eggs. Use the back of a spoon to crack the entire surface of the egg shell. Starting from the bottom of the egg (where there is usually a small pocket of air), peel away the shell and membrane. By getting under the membrane, the shell usually starts to come away easier.
  6. Halve eggs lengthwise. Empty the yolks into a mixing bowl and place the whites on a serving dish.
  7. Mash yolk with the back of a fork, and add mayonnaise, mixing until smooth.
  8. Add brown mustard, Worcestershire sauce, relish, salt, and pepper and stir until combined.
  9. Spoon the egg mixture into each of the egg white halves. Alternatively, hold a sandwich bag in place by opening it up inside a cup or glass and folding the zipper openings over the sides. Spoon the egg yolk mixture into the bag, zip the bag closed, and cut off a small triangle from the corner of the bag. Squeeze the egg mixture into each of the egg white halves.
  10. Sprinkle with paprika.