Sourdough Flatbread

1 flatbread 10 min. (prep) + 8-12 hrs (rest) + 8 min. (bake)

The inspiration for this recipe was the The Complete Cooking for Two Cookbook, which includes a recipe for making dough for a single pizza. Instead of going from dry ingredients and slowing adding wet ingredients until a dough forms, this recipe starts from a wet sourdough starter and becomes a dough as more flour is added.

The feature image to the left is a barbecue chicken flatbread.


  • 100 g sourdough starter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 5-7 tbsp flour


  1. Combine the starter, olive oil, salt, and 5 tbsp of flour into the bowl of a stand mixer and begin to combine together using the dough hook attachment on low speed.
  2. Continue to add flour 1 tbsp at a time until the dough ball comes together into a resilient dough that cleans the side of the bowl.
  3. Place dough into an oiled bowl and set aside in a warm place to rest for 8-12 hours.
  4. Preheat your oven to 400° F with a baking stone set on the middle rack.
  5. Roll out the dough on a sheet of parchment paper until it measures about 10-12 inches in diameter.
  6. Bake the dough onto a baking stone for about 8 min or until the bubbles and edges begin to brown slightly.

I like to store my prebaked flatbread in a 2-gallon sized bag until I’m ready to use it. When I’m ready to use it, I just defrost it, add the toppings, and bake until the toppings are done (e.g., the cheese is melted).